Set the regime for each individual edge in a tree explicitly
PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges(tree, regimes, inplace = TRUE)
tree | a PCMTree or a phylo object. |
regimes | a vector of the length equal to `nrow(tree$edge)`. |
inplace | a logical indicating if the change should be done within the tree in the calling environment or a copy of the tree with modified regime assignment should be returned. |
if inplace is TRUE, nothing, otherwise a modified copy of tree.
Calling this function overwrites the current partitioning of the tree.
set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion") tree <- ape::rtree(10) regimes <- sample(letters[1:3], nrow(tree$edge), replace = TRUE) PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges(tree, regimes) # \donttest{ PCMTreePlot(tree)# }