Find a maximum likelihood fit of the POUMM model
maxLikPOUMMGivenTreeVTips( loglik, pruneInfo, parLower, parUpper, parInitML = NULL, control = list(factr = 1e+08, fnscale = -1), verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, ... )
loglik | function(par, memo, parFixedNoAlpha) |
pruneInfo | a list-object returned by the pruneTree(tree, z) function. |
parLower, parUpper | Two named numeric vectors indicating the boundaries of the search region. Default values are parLower = c(alpha = 0, theta = 0, sigma = 0, sigmae = 0) and parUpper = c(alpha = 100, theta = 10, sigma = 20, sigmae = 10). |
parInitML | A named vector (like parLower and parUpper) or a list of such vectors - starting points for optim. |
control | List of parameters passed on to optim, default list(factr = 1e8, fnscale = -1), see ?optim. |
verbose | A logical indicating whether to print informative messages on the standard output. |
debug | A logical indicating whether to print debug messages (currently not implemented). |
... | currently not used. |
a list containing an element par and an element value as well as the parameters passed