MCMC-sampling from a posterior distribution of a P(OU)MM model given tree, values at the tips and a prior distribution
mcmcPOUMMGivenPriorTreeVTips( loglik, fitML = NULL, parMapping, parInitMCMC, parPriorMCMC, parScaleMCMC, nSamplesMCMC, nAdaptMCMC, thinMCMC, accRateMCMC, gammaMCMC, nChainsMCMC, samplePriorMCMC, pruneInfo, ..., verbose = FALSE, parallelMCMC = FALSE )
loglik | a log-likelihood function. |
fitML | an object returned by the maxLikPOUMMGivenTreeVTips |
parMapping | a function(numeric-vector) transforming a sampled vector on the scale of the parameters alpha, theta, sigma, sigmae and g0. |
parInitMCMC | a function(chainNumber) returning the starting point of the MCMC as a vector. |
parPriorMCMC | a function(numeric-vector) returning the log-prior of the supplied vector |
parScaleMCMC | numeric matrix indicating the initial jump-distribution matrix |
nSamplesMCMC | integer indicating how many iterations should the mcmc-chain contain |
nAdaptMCMC | integer indicating how many initial iterations should be used for adaptation of the jump-distribution matrix |
thinMCMC | integer indicating the thinning interval of the mcmc-chain |
accRateMCMC | (MCMC) numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the target acceptance rate Passed on to adaptMCMC::MCMC. |
gammaMCMC | (MCMC) controls the speed of adaption. Should be in the interval (0.5,1]. A lower gammaMCMC leads to faster adaption. Passed on to adaptMCMC::MCMC. |
nChainsMCMC | integer indicating the number of chains to run. Defaults to 1. |
samplePriorMCMC | logical indicating if only the prior distribution should be sampled. This can be useful to compare with mcmc-runs for an overlap between prior and posterior distributions. |
pruneInfo | a list-object returned from the pruneTree(tree, z) function. |
... | Additional arguments. Currently not used except for the following: If ... includes debug = TRUE, some debug messages will be written also outside of the call to loglik. |
verbose | Logical indicating if some informal messages should be written during run. This parameter is passed to loglik. |
parallelMCMC | Logical indicating if chains should be run in parallel. |
a list of coda objects
Currently, this function calls the MCMC function from the adaptMCMC package.