Note: The writing of this vignette is currently in progress. If needed, please, contact the author for assistance. Thanks for your understanding.

The main R-script

Loading needed packages and parsing command line arguments

# other needed packages, e.g. ape, data.table etc...

# A character string used in filenames for a model inference on a given data:
prefixFiles = paste0("MGPM_A_F_BC2_RR")

Setting up a parallel cluster

Using MPI

# creating the cluster for this PCMFit run:
if(!exists("cluster") || is.null(cluster)) {
  if(require(doMPI)) {
    # using MPI cluster as distributed node cluster (possibly running on a 
    # cluster of multiple nodes)
    # Get the number of cores. Assume this is run in a batch job.
    p = strtoi(Sys.getenv('LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC'))
    cluster <- startMPIcluster(count = p-1, verbose = TRUE)
  } else {
    warning("Could not create an MPI cluster")

Using a personal computer without mpi installation

if(!exists("cluster") || is.null(cluster)) {
  if(require(parallel)) {
    # possibly running on personal computer without mpi installation
    cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
      parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE),
      outfile = paste0("log_", prefixFiles, ".txt"))
  } else {
    warning("Could not create a parallel cluster")

Generating PCMModels on the worker nodes

# This function is going to be executed on each worker node.
generatePCMModelsFunction <- function() {
  # make results reproducible
  set.seed(4, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")

  # An example DefineParameterLimits.R file can be found in 
  # vignettes/DefineParameterLimits.R of the PCMFit package source-code. 
  # Note that the path here is relative to the working directory of
  # the worker node R-process. 
  source('DefineParameterLimits.R', local=FALSE)

Tree and trait data

tree <- PCMTree(PCMFitDemoObjects$dtSimulated$tree[[1]])
X <- PCMFitDemoObjects$dtSimulated$X[[1]][, seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree))]

Running the MGPM Inference

currentResultFile <- paste0("Current_", prefixFiles, ".RData")
if(file.exists(currentResultFile)) {
  tableFitsPrev <- listResults$tableFits
} else {
  tableFitsPrev <- NULL

fitMGPM_A_F_BC2_RR <- PCMFitMixed(
    X = X, tree = tree, metaIFun = PCMInfoCpp,
    generatePCMModelsFun = generatePCMModelsFunction, 
    maxNumRoundRobins = 2, maxNumPartitionsInRoundRobins = 2,
    tableFitsPrev = tableFitsPrev,
    prefixFiles = prefixFiles,
    doParallel = TRUE)

Retrieving and analyzing the best scoring model fit

bestFit <- RetrieveBestFitScore(fitMGPM_A_F_BC2_RR)

modelTrue <- PCMFitDemoObjects$dtSimulated$model[[1]]
# We specify the tree and trait values for the true model in order to easily 
# calculate parameter count likelihood and AIC for it:
attr(modelTrue, "tree") <- PCMFitDemoObjects$dtSimulated$treeWithRegimes[[1]]
attr(modelTrue, "X") <- X
attr(modelTrue, "SE") <- X * 0.0

listModels <- list(

dtSummary <- data.table(
  model = c(
    "Global BM", 
    "Global OU", 
    "True MGPM, known shifts, unknown parameters", 
    "True MGPM, known shifts, starting from known true parameters (cheating)", 
    "True MGPM, fixed true shifts and true parameters",
    "Inferred MGPM, unknown shifts and parameters"),
  p = sapply(listModels, PCMParamCount),
  logLik = sapply(listModels, logLik), 
  AIC = sapply(listModels, AIC))
model p logLik AIC
Global BM 5 -221.68133 455.3627
Global OU 11 -204.60164 433.2033
True MGPM, known shifts, unknown parameters 18 -93.65584 233.3117
True MGPM, known shifts, starting from known true parameters (cheating) 18 -93.50648 233.0130
True MGPM, fixed true shifts and true parameters 18 -102.63502 251.2700
Inferred MGPM, unknown shifts and parameters 17 -95.07409 234.1482
#> ggtree v2.0.4  For help:
#> If you use ggtree in published research, please cite the most appropriate paper(s):
#> [36m-[39m Guangchuang Yu, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan. Two methods for mapping and visualizing associated data on phylogeny using ggtree. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018, 35(12):3041-3043. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy194
#> [36m-[39m Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam. ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2017, 8(1):28-36, doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628
**Example phylogenetic comparative data.** **A**: a tree of 80 tips partitioned in three evolutionary regimes. Each evolutionary regime is denoted by #.T, where # is the regime identifier and T is the evolutionary model type associated with this regime (a model type among A, ..., F). **B**:  bivariate trait values at the tips of the tree. **C** and **D**: Analogical to **A** and **B** according to the MGPM found using the AIC score as a criterion.

Example phylogenetic comparative data. A: a tree of 80 tips partitioned in three evolutionary regimes. Each evolutionary regime is denoted by #.T, where # is the regime identifier and T is the evolutionary model type associated with this regime (a model type among A, …, F). B: bivariate trait values at the tips of the tree. C and D: Analogical to A and B according to the MGPM found using the AIC score as a criterion.
